Holy Week + Easter Worship
Join us for these holiest days in the Christian church.

Maundy Thursday: April 17, 6:30 p.m. onsite only

Good Friday: April 18, 7 p.m. online and onsite

Easter Sunday, April 20, 8:30 + 11 a.m. with brunch and egg hunt between (worship online and onsite)

Our Worship
We gather every week around God's Word, in song, with prayers, and in Holy Communion. All are welcome in our congregation and to participate in all elements of worship.

Our mission: Living in God's grace, caring for all people, sharing God's love--we are Living Word!

What to Expect
Living Word is a Reconciling in Christ congregation
This means that we are an open and affirming congregation. We believe that people in the LGBTQIA+ community are a blessing to the church community. All are welcome in this place; we strive each day to be a congregation that is truly open to all.
Our Beliefs Reconciling Works